Can-Am Productions

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CAST: Rush Adams, Thor, Jimmy Dean, Joe Frank, Aaron Aubrey, Harris Miller, Dick Darby, Dennis Darby,


RELEASE DATE: 6/11/2007

BOUT #1: RUSH ADAMS VS. THOR: Adams: 5'11",175#, 25 yo. Thor: 5'10", 200#, 26 yo. Rush Adams, porno star. Thor, dancer and musclegod. One hell of a combination! Attired in white underwear, the combatants slosh themselves in oil before their matchup. Thor's briefs are unbelievably manhandled in fall 1, to the point where most of them are up the crack of his ass and his balls are hanging out as he wrestles. Rush spreads Thor's legs again, and sits on Thor's chest shoving his cock and balls into his face. None the less Thor survives this sex handling by Rush to win with a body scissors and arm bar combination. The entire length of the third fall is sexy beyond belief as both wrestlers enjoy each other's bodies to the maximum. Thor and Rush trade off riding each other's ass, spanking, feeling asses, cocks, and balls, yanking their own dicks. Each puts themselves in vulnerable sexy positions so that the other can enjoy a particular hold or position. Rush does come out on top in the third fall and he once again forces Thor to say, "Please". As the video closes Rush is offering some unflattering cock comparisons to Thor. You can see why Rush is a porno star and Thor isn't.

BOUT #2: JIMMY DEAN VS. JOE FRANK: Dean: 5'10",160#, 19 yo. Frank: 6'1", 210#, 20 yo. Does Joe Frank look at all familiar? He should. He's Rob Frank's "little" brother. Jimmy finds out in the first fall, first hand, the power of Joe Frank's thighs when he really wants to squeeze. In fact Joe Frank takes so much pleasure in squeezing a submission out of Jimmy in the first fall that he can't wait to the second to continue his punishment. He slaps on his scissors once again, and as the camera fades from his first fall victory Jimmy is suffering and then some. In the final fall Jimmy strips Joe, then chokes him with his own undergear, and then, just to top things off, stuffs his own previously stripped oily undergear into Joe's mouth. Yuck! Well, some people might find that hot! Jimmy then whacks Joe Frank's ass with the briefs as an encore. All of this does not set well with Joe, and he lets Jimmy Dean know his displeasure.

BOUT #3: AARON AUBREY VS. HARRIS MILLER: Aubrey: 5'8",158#, 19 yo. Miller: 5'11",150#, 21 yo. Aaron manages to win the first fall with a heels over head pin/submission, but it wasn't easy getting there. Harris loves the body scissors and manages to trap Aaron time and again in the hold. The white undergear both wear is tangled and mangled, pushed and pulled, snared and snapped, humped and hiked. It's a miracle the wrestlers still have them on after this first fall. Aaron is super aggressive at the outset of the second fall getting Harris in some beautiful holds that he can't get out of right away, including a neat body scissors/combination arm behind the back snare. Shortly into the third fall, the gear is stripped, the hard-ons pop out. Aaron continues his very aggressive wrestling and his efforts pay off . He goes on to win the third fall and the match.

BOUT #4: DICK DARBY VS. DENNIS DARBY: (TWINS) Dick: 5'5",140#, 22 yo. Dennis: 5'8",140#, 22 yo. Many of you will go crazy unless you can figure out some way to tell these two apart. We'll clue you in on two ways: 1 ) Dennis is the one with the scar to the right of his stomach and 2) Dennis also has slightly longer hair on the top of his head. Otherwise good luck! These two showed up at the Can-Am offices unannounced. They are "dancer wanna-bees". Unfortunately, they were told, by Can-Am management, they were not nearly big or muscular enough to dance. Ron interceded to ask whether they would be interested in doing a nude oil wrestling video - understanding their possible rejection of such an offer since they were identical twin brothers who might be uncomfortable with such an arrangement. Astoundingly, they agreed to do it. Presto! Here it is! Not only did they aggressively wrestler against each other (something they told us they had been doing all their lives) but they also, again to our amazement, went erotic. Identical twins in an erotic, nude oil wrestling match. Another Can-Am first!

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