HardHeroes Pro Wrestling 1
CAST: Jimmy Dean, Skip Roberts, Rocky James, Ron Masters
DIRECTOR: Beau Bradley
RELEASE DATE: 10/3/2002
Skip, not only looks sexy in his gold bodysuit, but he is one hell of a real professionally trained wrestler. As Mysterio, he takes on all those who will accept his challenge - if you lose you are un-masked. Of course, everyone knows there is no greater moment of submission than when a Super Hero is unmasked and his true identity is revealed!The Blue Angel is the first to accept Mysterio's challenge. The Blue Angel is probably used to descending into any situation and winning by the sheer force of his strength. But Mysterio plans to clip those wings by the sheer superiority of his wrestling skill. Poor Blue Angel takes a complete thumping, gets demasked and is left out cold. Tune up the harp!
Next up is Pupa (played by the supremely cocky Jimmy Dean). A pupa represents the metamorphosis of a moth into a butterfly, and our hero is the protector of all things waiting to blossom. But up against Mysterio, this moth flies too close to the flame. Pupa is unmasked and cooked. In the final challenge, Blue Lightning steps up and thunders into the ring. Mysterio stumbles a bit this time and is almost unmasked. But ultimately he knocks his opponent down from 220 to 110, stripping Blue Lightning of not only his mask, but his boots and suit as well. He is like all who have entered Mysterio's ring before: beaten, punished and finished.